Wellendorf v. Gordon

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-18-0657), Danielle Renee Weelendorf v. Alexander Gordon (Appellant)
S-18-0658), Danielle Renee Weelendorf v. Alexander Gordon (Appellant)
Douglas County District Court, Judge Leigh Darryl R. Lowe
Attorneys: Joseph P. Naatz (Kreikemeier LLC) --- Benjamin M. Belmont & Wm. Oliver Jenkins (Brodkey, Peebles, Belmont & Line, LLP)(Appellant)
Civil: Jurisdiction; harassment protection order; sexual assault protection order
Proceedings Below: The district court dismissed the ex parte sexual assault protection order and entered a harassment protection order.
Issues: The trial court 1) lacked subject matter jurisdiction to enter a harassment protection
order against Respondent and in favor of Petitioner, 2) violated Respondent’s procedural due process rights when it entered, without adequate notice, a harassment protection order, 3) erred in entering a harassment protection order against Respondent and in favor of Petitioner without sufficient evidence to support such an order, and 4) erred in acting as an advocate for Petitioner when it refiled her petition and affidavit for a sexual assault protection order under a new case number following an evidentiary hearing and then entered a harassment protection order.

Issues on Cross-Appeal: The trial court erred in dismissing the sexual assault protection order.