Western Ethanol Company, LLC v. Midwest Renewable Energy, LLC

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1192  Western Ethanol Company, LLC v. Midwest Renewable Energy, LLC (Appellant)

Lincoln County, Hon. Richard A. Birch

Attorneys:  William J. Troshynski  (Brouillette, Dugan & Troshynski) representing Douglas Vind — Dean J. Jungers (Appellant)

Civil: Motion to Quash Execution of Judgment

Proceedings Below: Appellant Midwest moved to quash execution of the judgment. The district court overruled the motion, finding that Western Ethanol was no longer the real party in interest because interest in the judgment had been assigned to Douglas Vind, who had requested the writ of execution.

Issues: Midwest contends that the district court erred in (1) finding that Vind was the owner of the judgment sought to be executed, and (2) finding Vind was a party to the action and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the court.

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