Wheat v. Prospect Funding Partners, L.L.C.

Case Number(s)
Call Date
Court Number
Case Location
Case Summary

S-18-0193, Ronald J. Palagi, P.C., L.L.C., and Edrie Arlene Wheat (Appellants) v. Prospect Funding Holdings (NY), L.L.C. (Appellee)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Leigh Ann Retelsdorf

Attorneys: Ronald J. Palagi for Appellants--- Adam W. Barney (Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, LLP) for Appellee

Civil: Contract Dispute

Proceedings Below: The district court entered summary judgment for the Appellee.

Issues: Whether 1) the trial court erred by prematurely granting Appellee’s motion for summary judgment prior to the conclusion of discovery; 2) the Appellee is properly registered to transact business in Nebraska; 3) the purchase agreement violates Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-105; 4) the purchase agreement contains punitive liquidated damages clauses in violation of public policy; 5) the purchase agreement complies with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-3303; and 6) the purchase agreement is champertous and violated public policy.