Whilde v. Whilde

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S-17-0045 Hannah Whilde v. Margaret Whilde (Appellant)

Otoe County District Court, Judge David K. Arterburn

Attorneys: Anthony W. Liakos (Govier Katskee Law Firm) — Julie E. Bear (Reinsch Slattery Law Firm)

Civil: Child Custody--Advanced

Proceedings Below: The district court modified the temporary custody order of the district court for Travis County, Texas, and entered a final order awarding sole legal and physical custody of the minor child to the biological mother. It determined that the biological mother’s former same-sex partner previously enjoyed an in loco parentis relationship with the minor child but concluded that relationship was not maintained. It therefore determined that the former same-sex partner had no rights of custody or visitation.

Issues: Whether the district court (1) abused its discretion in suspending contact between Margaret and the minor child as a discovery sanction and (2) erred in (a) finding that Margaret’s in loco parentis status had been severed, (b) finding that the primary reason Margaret’s in loco parentis status had been severed was due to events that occurred in Margaret’s life, and (c) failing to grant Margaret any rights of custody or visitation with the minor child.

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