Zweiback Family Limited Partnership v. Lincoln Benefit Life Company

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Case Summary

S-17-0324, Zweiback Family Limited Partnership, Zweiback Heritage Limited Partnership, and Eugene M. Zweiback v. Dennis Tubbergen [appellant] and Lincoln Benefit Life Companay and Brian Schuster

District court for Douglas County, Honorable Horacio J. Wheelock

Attorneys: Gerald L. Friedrichsen (Fitztgerald Schorr) for appellant; Edward D. Hotz (Pansing Hogan Ernst & Backmann) for appellees

Civil: Action to compel arbitration

Proceedings below: District court denied motion to compel arbitration

Issues: Did the district court err in denying the motion to compel and determining the case concerned or related to an insurance policy within the meaning of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 2602.01(f)(4) (Reissue 2008)?

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