Rule 10-25. Rules for Problem-Solving Courts
(A) Presiding judge; assignment of judges; and succession plan for problem-solving court judges.
(1) The District 10 Problem-Solving Court programs shall be presided over by a district judge selected by the district court judges.
(2) The district judges, with the consent of the assigned judge, shall appoint such district judges as are necessary to perform the judicial duties required by the problem-solving courts in the district.
(3) The presiding and problem-solving court judges so appointed shall serve in any or all of the divisions of the problem-solving court and may serve under a temporary or permanent assignment. A permanently assigned judge shall serve a term of not less than 3 consecutive years. A temporary judge assignment shall not exceed 1 year and shall be a transitional or interim position.
(4) Prior to assuming the position of a problem-solving court judge, or as soon thereafter as is practical, the assigned judge shall attend a judicial training program administered by the National Drug Court Institute or other training program approved by the State's Problem-Solving Court Coordinator. At least every 3 years after the initial training, each problem-solving court judge shall attend training events complying with the Nebraska Problem-Solving Court standards.
(5) On or before May 1, 2017, and every 3 years thereafter, the district judges, with the consent of the assigned judge, shall appoint a successor presiding judge who shall immediately succeed the presiding judge in the event of the presiding judge's death, disability, retirement, resignation, removal, elevation to another court, or failure to be retained. Such successor judge shall attend training in advance of service, pursuant to subsection (4), to allow the successor judge to immediately assume the position of presiding problem-solving court judge upon the occurrence of a vacancy.
(6) As of the date hereof, the following judges shall preside in the district's problem-solving courts:
(a) Drug Court:
(i) Presiding judge(s): Stephen R. Illingworth
(ii) Successor judge(s): Terri S. Harder
(b) Veterans Treatment Court:
(i) Presiding judge(s):
(ii) Successor judge(s):
(c) Young Adult Court:
(i) Presiding judge(s):
(ii) Successor judge(s):
Rule 10-25 approved May 10, 2017.