Introducing AC4E: Engagement Transformed

Introducing AC4E: Engagement Transformed

On March 7, 2019, Probation celebrated the contributions of 26 trainers and 10 AC4E team members, as well as three Administrative technical assistants.  This team partnered with the Carey Group to launch the AC4E initiative and, in October of 2018, begin training all specialized and investigation officers to focus on the big-four criminogenic needs and the “Driver.” Research states that not all criminogenic needs are of equal importance and in order to most effectively intervene, the correct criminogenic need or Driver must be correctly identified and addressed through case management strategies. This training concluded in mid-December and connects with the previous training facilitated by the Carey Group focused on staff engagement, continuous quality improvement, and coaching.

To date, all specialized officers, investigation officers, and supervisors, both adult and juvenile, in every district, statewide, have been trained.  Looking ahead, additional training opportunities will be forthcoming, focused on continuing to enhance officer and supervisor skills which will lead to enhanced engagement and outcomes. The Courts and other partners may notice additional focus on the big-four criminogenic needs in investigations and officer emphasis on identifying the Driver and Case Planning.  Staff will begin to share findings to help guide and target intervention strategies and ensure seamless service provision and information sharing.