Juvenile Services Division Releases Detailed Analysis for Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Juvenile Services Division Releases Detailed Analysis for Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Juvenile Services Division Releases Detailed Analysis for Fiscal Year 2017-2018

The Administrative Office of Probation-Juvenile Services Division is releasing the third annual Detailed Analysis.  The publication provides updated data and progress regarding the Juvenile Justice Reform Initiative from July 2017 to June 2018.

The Nebraska Juvenile Probation System continues to focus on supervision strategies and services which support youth and families in making long-lasting behavior change.  The current publication includes focus areas reported in previous years including intake, offense, investigation, assessment, disposition, total active youth, case management, out-of-home services and discharge.  This year’s publication also includes two additional pages devoted to case management, including information focused on home-based services and the expansion and growth of those services across the state.  The second new area depicts recidivism data, including the current rate for the reported fiscal year. 

Of significance, in this year’s report juvenile reform positive progress is detailed through the publications.  Some of the positive progress includes expansion of the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative (JDAI) into Lancaster County, two published research studies, enhanced training focused on youth who sexually harm and clinical evaluations, and the progress towards implementing an adolescent focused graduated response matrix.  Additionally, youth demographic data continues to be reported, as well as youth in out-of-home placements.  Plus, youth who are successfully released from probation continues to increase, this fiscal year that rate is 74%.

The full 17-page report can be found on the Judicial Branch Website: Juvenile Services Division Detailed Analysis Fiscal Year 2017-2018