A. Job Reclassification

A. Job Reclassification

  When a position’s duties have significantly changed, the AOCP, an employee’s supervisor, or a manager who is higher in the reporting chain, may initiate a reclassification request to be submitted for administrative review. The employee’s supervisor, in consultation with the employee, shall complete a position description questionnaire (PDQ) to be reviewed and commented upon by local management, submitted to the AOCP Human Resources office for review and necessary investigation, and then to the State Court or Probation Administrator for approval. Reclassifications may not be requested more frequently than once a year. It is a supervisor’s responsibility to monitor changes in duties and/or responsibilities to maintain appropriate classification assignments.

  Any reclassification to a higher salary grade shall result in a salary increase to the minimum permanent rate of the new job classification or 5% above the employee’s current salary, whichever is greater. Any reclassification to a lower salary grade may result in a salary decrease of 5% for each salary grade, with no greater than a 20% decrease, unless the rate is more than the maximum rate of the new classification.

Amended July 16, 2003; amended July 9, 2015; amended October 12, 2016; amended May 10, 2017; amended October 23, 2024, effective January 1, 2025.