B. Records to be Maintained
Each supervisor shall maintain the following personnel records:
1. Record of salary;
2. Copies of all personnel transactions pertaining to individual employee; and
3. Employee performance report(s).
Former employees’ personnel files may be destroyed 10 years after the employees’ separation date., unless there is a complaint filed by or on the employee and/or charges are filed. In those instances, the file may be destroyed 10 years after all actions and appeals are complete and/or final. A brief file or information card shall be retained containing former employees’ dates of employment and rate of pay.
Employees shall have the right to review their personnel file maintained at the employees’ place of employment during regular office hours. Review may be done in the presence of a supervisor.
Documentation (including performance reports) which reflects unfavorably on an employee or former employee shall not be placed in their personnel file without their knowledge.
Employees or former employees have the right to file a written rebuttal within 30 calendar days from date of notice to any item placed in their personnel file with the exception of grievances settled in accordance with Supreme Court Grievance Procedures. This written rebuttal shall be placed in their personnel file.
No negative documentation shall be placed in an employee’s file after the dismissal, resignation or retirement of the employee unless the former employee is notified. Exceptions are reports, letters or documents originated and signed by the employee.
Amended October 23, 2024, effective January 1, 2025.