D. Telecommuting

D. Telecommuting

   Telecommuting is a mechanism for facilitating the fulfillment of Judicial Branch organizational goals. Telecommuting allows an employee to work from his or her residence or other approved location outside of the employee’s regular Judicial Branch office. Telecommuting shall not be used solely as an accommodation for the employee, or a substitute for using official leave.

   Telecommuting may be permitted under the following circumstances: (1) occasional/situational circumstances at the discretion of the supervisor with guidance from the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation; (2) emergency situations where there is a national, state, or locally declared state of emergency or dangerous weather conditions exist prompting an office closure; (3) on a regularly scheduled basis with guidance and approval from the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation.

   For regularly scheduled telecommuting, or an emergency situation that is expected to last for more than 1 week, the supervisor and the employee shall submit a request to telecommute to the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation for approval and execute a telecommuting or emergency telecommuting agreement. All telecommuting requests and agreements submitted must be prepared and approved by local management, in collaboration with the employee and with final approval by the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation.

   Telecommuting is not a right for any employee, is not available to all employees or positions, may be time-limited, is reviewed at least annually, and may be withdrawn at any time by the supervisor and/or the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation. Failure to follow the telecommuting agreement may be grounds for discipline and/or revocation of the agreement. Decisions withdrawing telecommuting agreements or denying requests to telecommute are nongrievable.

Approved June 24, 2020.