Nebraska Domestic Abuse Protection Order Policy

Nebraska Domestic Abuse Protection Order Policy


The State Court Administrator shall approve and promulgate, per statute, the Domestic Abuse Protection Order forms. The attached forms shall be used in each county/district court across the state of Nebraska.

II. Purpose

All Domestic Abuse Protection Order forms shall be standardized across the state, in order to provide for increased levels of petitioner safety and the ability for the order to be recognized and enforced by law enforcement across state and tribal boundaries.

III. Reference

42-924.02: “The State Court Administrator shall adopt and promulgate the standard petition and affidavit forms provided for in this section as well as the standards temporary and final protection order forms and provide a copy of such forms to all clerks of the district courts in the state. These standard temporary and final protection order forms shall be the only such forms used in the state.” 42-924; 42-925

IV. Procedures

A. The approved Petition and Affidavit, Praecipe, and Social Security and Date of Birth Form shall be distributed, by the court clerk and/or other designee, with the instruction packet to all petitioners seeking a Domestic Abuse Protection Order.

B. All related forms for the Domestic Abuse Protection Order forms shall be distributed to the courts by the State Court Administrator.

C. All related forms for the Domestic Abuse Protection Order forms shall be made available to all judges by the clerk of the court.

D. The Domestic Abuse Protection Order Information Sheet shall be copied on the back of the 1st page of each order.