We are Your Nebraska Judicial Branch

We are Your Nebraska Judicial Branch

We are Your Nebraska Judicial Branch

Nebraska’s Judicial Branch plays a vital role in the life of every Nebraskan.

While some of our physical spaces have been forced to shutter by the coronavirus, the work of Nebraska’s courts, probation offices, and all programming has continued. The essential functions of the Judicial Branch move forward despite the physical limitations of Directed Health Measures.

Given the extraordinary work of court and probation employees statewide, the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation has created a tribute video to reaffirm the stability and reliability of the Third Branch of Government.

Throughout the state, all may rest assured that constitutional rights are guarded and upheld through the tireless work of judges and all of your Nebraska Judicial Branch staff.

(Video) We are Your Judicial Branch: https://vimeo.com/416964921/564db296a4

(Audio) We are Your Nebraska Judicial Branch link


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Judicial Branch Video Transcript:

Without a doubt, the world has changed. Across the State, Nebraskans have adapted to the challenges of this pandemic, rising together, stronger and united.

One thing that has not, and will not change, is the critical role of the judicial branch underpinning the basis of our civil society.

Hosting the nationwide pandemic planning conference nearly a year before COVID 19, your Nebraska Judicial Branch has been at the forefront of the pandemic response.

Ensuring Nebraskans benefit from access to justice at all times, we have adapted, we have leveraged technological solutions, we are committed to the safety of all of those we serve.

We have redefined how we work with the public to ensure safe communities; we remain open and operational to serve Nebraskans whenever we are needed.

We are your Nebraska Judicial Branch.


Photo Credits

  • Douglas County Court
  • Lincoln Journal Star
  • Omaha World Herald
  • Nebraska Supreme Court Probation System
  • Nebraska Supreme Court Information Technology Division
  • Nebraska Supreme Court Communications Division