The staff of the Washington and Burt County Courts has achieved Everyday Hero status through their dedicated support of the Nebraska County Courts. Rachel Olson, Sarah Deemer, and Twila Alexander have been, and remain, ready to provide onsite and remote assistance to neighboring courts in need. They...
When Judge Wetzel and Courtroom Clerk Karen Borgheiinck found themselves among those needing to self-isolate due to COVID 19, Judge Wetzel continued to hear cases and Karen continued to operate the digital recorder and manage DOCKET – although each worked remotely from their respective homes. Clerk...
Norman Krivosha, former Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court, died January 26, 2021, at his home in Naples, Florida. In 1978, Krivosha was appointed Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court where he served until 1987. Krivosha was interviewed by then Creighton Professor Richard Shugrue in...
The 5th Judicial District Problem-Solving Court in York celebrated graduation on January 25, 2021. For the graduate, Jordan Ward, the ceremony marks the completion of an intensive program of comprehensive mental health treatment, intensive community supervision, and full accountability. Presiding...
Choose to receive email notifications on: Supreme Court and Court of Appeals argument schedules and opinions; general media releases; rule amendments, lawyer’s ethics opinions; administrative policies and schedules (Waiver Fine Schedule, Filing Fees and Court Costs, etc.); and, job openings. Website...
Damon Strong, new Chief Probation Officer for adult probation in the Fourth Judicial District (Omaha), was sworn-in Friday, January 15, 2021, by Presiding Judge Horacio Wheelock. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many attendees participated virtually. Those in the courtroom were State Probation...
A recent series of news stories, “Unhealthy Nebraska” by Lee Enterprise newspapers, explains drug court benefits for both clients and communities. “One of the smartest steps Nebraska has taken over the past two decades is establishing drug courts across the state. These specialty courts make...
Chief Justice Mike Heavican delivered his annual State of the Judiciary address to state senators on January 21, 2021, in the Legislative Chamber. The address was given at the invitation of the Speaker of the Legislature, Senator Mike Hilgers. The Chief Justice uses this time with the legislature to...
Lancaster County Veterans Treatment Court Officer Jared Baker routinely goes above and beyond when caring for his veteran clients. As Company Commander for the 1057th Military Police of the Nebraska Army National Guard, Baker was concerned that his COVID-quarantined client would feel isolated this...
High praise was given to two Lexington probation officers following their intervention with a suicidal client in early November. Local police had responded to a man threatening to jump off the top of the pedestrian bridge spanning the Madison Street railroad crossing. According to law enforcement...