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The Honorable Roger Heideman of Lancaster County, Nebraska, was one of the featured panel presenters at the National Association for Drug Court Professionals' (NADCP) Annual Training Conference held July 9-12, 2017, in Washington DC. The workshop session was entitled “Judicial Innovations Using a...
A going away party for Shela Shanks was held August 8, 2017 to thank her for all the great work she did as Director of Admissions and Counsel for UPL. Shela has overseen the rendition of the bar exam for the Court since 2013 making several improvements in the process. We wish her well.
The Self-Represented Litigation Committee has released a new forms module for the establishment of paternity, custody, parenting time, and child support. The forms, long requested by self-help desks and libraries, are on the Judicial Branch Self-Help Website:
Retired Judge Carlton Clark was called into service to serve as historian and tour guide at the Gosper County Courthouse for the first stop on the final day of the Chief Justice’s Summer Tour. Clark entertained visitors with stories of courthouse stealing and early scuffles between counties vying...
Judges Paine and Urbom greeted the Chief Justice’s tour group on the front steps of the Hayes County Courthouse first thing in the morning on August 2, 2017--Day three, first stop of the Summer Tour. Hayes Center is named after President Rutherford B. Hayes, the county was created in 1877 and later...
Ron Werkmeister, Clerk Magistrate and Deputy Clerk of District Court of Frontier County, was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his nearly 50 years of service to the Nebraska Judicial Branch on August 1, 2017. Chief Justice Michael Heavican visited Frontier County Courthouse to present...
The second day of the Chief Justice’s Summer Tour started with an early breakfast in the new Health Science Education Complex on University of Nebraska - Kearney campus. Chancellor Doug Kristensen welcomed all guests before introducing the College’s first ‘Kearney Law Opportunities Program’ class...
The first stop on the Chief Justice’s Summer Tour included a visit with participants in the Problem-Solving Court in Aurora with Judge Rachel Daugherty. When introducing the Problem-Solving Court participants to visitors, Judge Daugherty remarked, “It is a group that I am so proud of…their...
The Judicial Ethics Committee has released an opinion addressing a question regarding disqualification when an attorney is related to a judge. Question Posed: Is a district judge whose brother is county attorney for one of the counties in the judge’s judicial district disqualified in the following...
The Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) was designed with the vision that all youth involved in the juvenile justice system have opportunities to develop into healthy, productive adults. After more than two decades of innovation and replication, JDAI is one of the nation's most...