Master Forms List

Master Forms List

This page provides access to the forms currently available to the public and attorneys through the Administrative Office of the Courts. These forms are from Supreme Court rules, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Self-Represented Litigation Committee and other organizations. 

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Title/Download Number Language Instructions Revised
Temporary Delegation of Parental Powers DC 6:10.1 English Instructions
Temporary Order in Replevin and Notice for Hearing CC 3:5 English
Terminate, Adult, Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship CC 16:3.20 English
Terminate, Minor, Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship CC 16:3.2 English
Terminate, Order Terminating Guardianship, Approving Final Inventory and Accounting, Administration Expenses, Attorney Fees, Discharge of Guardian and Release of Bond CC 16:3.25 English
Termination of Parental Rights Finding and Order JC 14:11.8 English
Updated Inventory CC 16:2.45 English Instructions
Victim Information Neb Ct. R. §6-1524 Appendix 5 ch6art15app5 English
Victim Information, County Court, Confidential Ch6Art14App10 English
Visitor or Guardian Ad Litem Report When the Public Guardian is Nominated for Appointment CC 16:2.93 English
Vital Statistics Certificate (Bureau of Vital Statistics Worksheet) English
Voluntary Appearance DC 6:4.3 English Instructions
Voluntary Appearance Letter DC 6:8.5 English Instructions
Waiver (Minor turned 19) CC 16:2.60 English Instructions
Waiver and Plea of Guilty CC 2:1 English
Waiver of Notice (by interested person) CC 16:2.10W English Instructions
Waiver of Notice on Termination of Child Support DC 6:2.1 English Instructions
Waiver of Parental Consent - Abortion, Instructions JC 14:6 English
Waiver/Fine Schedule Ch6Art14App3 English
Warrantless Arrest Affidavit CC 6:53 English
Warrants and Commitments Return CC 6:52 English
Witness and Exhibit List CC 6:18 English
Worksheet - Divorce with Children English
Worksheet - Divorce with No Children English
Worksheet 1 - Basic Net Income and Support Calculation (DC 6:1.1) worksheet 1 English
Worksheet 2 - Split Custody Calculation (DC 6:1.2) worksheet 2 English
Worksheet 3 - Calculation for Joint Physical Custody (DC 6:1.3) worksheet 3 English
Worksheet 4 - Number of Children Calculation (DC 6:1.4) worksheet 4 English
Worksheet 5 - Deviations to Child Support Guidelines (DC 6:1.5) worksheet 5 English
Worksheet 6 - Imputation of Childcare Tax Credit (DC 6:1.6) worksheet 6 English
Worksheet for Modification of Custody or Parenting Plan DC 6:15.2 English
Youth Court Questionnaire (Under 19) JC 14:11.13 English