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Administrative Assistant for the Adult Probation Services Division, Amanda Cox, extended her support to the Attorney Services Division during a hectic time. She swiftly adapted to a new role, handling numerous tasks with ease. She efficiently assisted attorneys with Continuing Legal Education (CLE)...
According to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, Judge James R. Coe will retire on April 15, 2024, after serving more than 35 years on the bench. The court extends its appreciation and thanks to Judge Coe for his many years of dedicated service. NEWS RELEASE: Judge Coe to retire after more...
Simon Rezac, a longstanding employee of the Lancaster County Clerk of the District Court, has been named Clerk by the Lancaster County Commissioners, effective February 28, 2024. Rezac, who has worked in the District Court Clerk’s Office for the past 30 years, takes over from Troy Hawk, who resigned...
As an ongoing initiative for outreach and education, the Nebraska Supreme Court Justices will hold court in the Sidney High School auditorium on the morning of May 3, 2024. This visit is part of the Nebraska Supreme Court's and the legal community's sustained efforts to enhance understanding of...
The Nebraska Access to Justice Commission and the Committee on Equity and Fairness submitted a proposed rule amendment to eliminate the confidential portion of the Nebraska Juror Qualification Form and revise the form to include the demographic information in the main body of the form. The intent...
Judges, Clerks of the District Court, Clerk Magistrates, and Probation Chiefs, The Nebraska Supreme Court is considering proposed amendments to Neb. Ct. R. § 6-701 et seq. entitled “Interpreters in Court.” This includes proposed amendments to the Code of Professional Responsibility and the...
Awarded to: Regan Van Matre, County Courtroom Clerk, Certified Electronic Reporter in Buffalo County Court Regan consistently demonstrates unwavering commitment and enthusiasm in contributing to the court's operations. Her reliability and willingness to collaborate with colleagues during workflow...
!Muchas gracias to all Nebraska Judicial Branch employees and members of the legal community who shared information about the Interpreter Certification Pathway with bilingual individuals! A well-attended Orientation was held January 25 & 26, 2024, with the participants representing a microcosm of...
The Douglas County Young Adult Court celebrated the graduation of Angel Cardona-Ramirez at the Douglas County Courthouse in Omaha on February 14, 2024. Judge James Masteller presided. The ceremony marks the completion of an intensive program of comprehensive mental health treatment, intensive...
Nebraska Chief Justice Michael Heavican will announce the celebration of Trial Court Week during a proclamation signing in the Supreme Court courtroom at 10:00 a.m. Monday, March 18, 2024. The ceremony will officially kick off trial court celebrations throughout the Judicial Branch during the week...