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The Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation’s (AOCP) Advanced Coaching for Excellence (AC4E) initiative is focused on taking Evidence-based Practice to the next level by focusing on four core strategies for behavior change and recidivism reduction: Assessment, Case Management, Case...
On August 7, 2020, District 4A Specialized Probation officers Angie Moorehead, Patrick McNemar, Zach Maxwell, and Zahra Sorensen-Snoza supervised the Fontenelle Park Clean-up. The clean-up crew, consisting of both clients and officers, picked up trash, trimmed trees, and helped beautify Fontenelle...
Representatives from the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation, Rehabilitative Services Division, Melissa Koch, (Juvenile Behavioral Health Specialist, top photo) and Michelle Nunemaker, (Programs and Services Officer, bottom photo), were selected to present modules at the American...
The Sarpy County Reentry Court held its second graduation ceremony and celebration on August 17, 2020, in Papillion, Nebraska. For Reentry Court graduates, the ceremony marked the completion of an intensive program of comprehensive drug treatment, close supervision, and full accountability...
The article linked below was written by State Problem-Solving Court Director Adam Jorgensen and is reprinted with permission of the Nebraska State Bar Association, The Nebraska Lawyer (July/August 2020). Read full article from The Nebraska Lawyer: Family Treatment Courts in Nebraska
New Law Clerk Orientation, held August 3, 2020, was attended by ten newly-hired clerks in the Court of Appeals courtroom. Attendance was in-person, so each lawyer came masked and ready to learn about his or her new position. Morning presentations began with Greg Sunderman from Judicial Branch...
Judges gathered online this year to attend the District Judges Summer Conference (June 3-5), the County Court Judges Summer Conference (June 24-26), and the Appellate Education Day (July 24). Video conferencing technologies allowed guest speakers to display slideshows and share files while attendees...
The Cass County Adult Drug Court began accepting participants in February 2020. Prior to accepting participants, a local team of dedicated professionals participated in a three-day drug court planning initiative through the National Drug Court Institute. Read more on the Cass County Adult Drug Court...
The Nebraska Supreme Court has published its 2021-2023 Strategic Agenda. The document identifies the ongoing overarching goals of the Nebraska Judicial Branch as: Goal 1: Providing Access to Swift, Fair Justice Goal 2: Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults Goal 3: Addressing Community Safety...
Court Improvement Project (CIP) Director, Deb VanDyke-Ries and Lakeisha Phelps, recipient of the CIP 2019 Resilience Award, presented at last year’s CIP Children’s Summit, joined podcast host and Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association vice president, Rico Zavala on the latest Nebraska Juvenile...