The Problem-Solving Courts Strategic Plan (2020-2025), as adopted by the Nebraska Supreme Court, has six focus areas outlining goals and objectives regarding fidelity to evidence-based practices, training, services and quality assurance, expansion, cultural competency, racial and ethnical...
In response to the travel restrictions associated with COVID-19, Judicial Branch Education teamed up with members of the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation to ensure court staff, especially new employees, still receive the education and training needed to successfully move forward in...
On May 26, 2020, nearly 30 members of the Dodge County Adult Drug Court took part in a cleanup day across multiple Fremont parks. The collaboration with Keep Fremont Beautiful was organized by Tim Privitera, coordinator for the Dodge County Drug Court. For more information on the event visit https:/...
Through the month of June, art created by participants in the Midwest Nebraska Problem-Solving Court is being displayed at the Prairie Art Center in North Platte Nebraska. The project was made possible thanks to Corey Burns, Jesus Tena, Jr., Claude E. Berreckman, Jr., Brennon Malcom, Kurt R. McBride...
Over the last few months, it has been evident that people are resilient. Everyone felt the impact of COVID-19 and everyone needed to make adjustments. Hopefully soon we will be looking back at the difficult adjustments we made and be looking forward to things getting back to normal. Or as some are...
The Midwest Nebraska Problem-Solving Court celebrated three graduations in North Platte on June 8, 2020. For the graduates, Craig Zarek, Joseph Miller, and Kylor Miller, the ceremony marks the completion of an intensive program of comprehensive mental health treatment, intensive community...
As Covid-19 continued its steady progression across the state, eleventh Judicial District Clerk Magistrates Raquel Dringman, Furnas County; Linda Smith, Hitchcock County; and Gretchen Wiebe, Red Willow and Hayes Counties stayed at least one step ahead of the virus every step of the way. Each clerk...
This year’s series of Regional Conferences will take place one day each in Chadron, Ogallala, Grand Island and Lincoln over the dates of September 28 to October 2, 2020. The dates and order of CIP travel is tentative at this time and will be based on availability of meeting facilities and local area...
Nebraska Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Heavican authored a letter to Nebraska’s legal community and court family outlining the duty of the Judicial Branch to continuously reach toward the State’s motto of “Equality Before the Law.” He recounted some recent accomplishments of the Branch, noting...
The coronavirus hit Douglas County earlier, faster and harder than most everyone else in Nebraska. Yet, because of the tireless work of County Court Presiding Judge Sheryl Lohaus in collaboration with Douglas County Judicial Administrator Ron Murtaugh, the functioning of the county courts did not...