Master Forms List

Master Forms List

This page provides access to the forms currently available to the public and attorneys through the Administrative Office of the Courts. These forms are from Supreme Court rules, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Self-Represented Litigation Committee and other organizations. 

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Title/Download Number Language Instructions Revised
Flowchart, Public Guardian, Waiting List Process CC 16:2.410 English
Flowchart, Standby Guardian CC 16:2.84 English
Garnishment Affidavit and Praecipe for Summons CC 3:6 English
Garnishment Type A - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8G English
Garnishment Type B - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8H English
Garnishment Type C - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8I English
Garnishment Type D - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8J English
Garnishment Type E - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8K English
Garnishment Type F - Instructions and Interrogatories CC 3:8L English
Garnishments, Employers Instructions CC 3:8A English
Grand Jury - Order Excusing Juror - Word Template GJ 1:08 English
Grievance Form - Counsel for Discipline AD 2:14 English
GSA (Reimbursement) Rates (external file) English
Guardian Ad Litem Checklist JC 14:5 English
Guardian/Conservator General Information CC 16:2.4 English Instructions
Guide to Mediation of Fence Disputes CC 3:25 English
Handgun Certificate Denial Or Revocation Appeal CC 9:9 English
Harassment, Information, Protection Order Information DC 19:3 English
Harassment, Packet for Protection Order - Autofill DC 19:71 English
Harassment, Petition and Affidavit to Obtain Harassment Protection Order DC 19:2 English Instructions
Harassment, Request for Modification to Harassment Protection Order DC 19:23 English
Harassment, Worksheet, Information Worksheet DC 19:28 English
Health Care Provider Report in Lieu of Testimony Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-2747(6)(a)(b) Ch6Art22App2 English
IHC Employer's Certification for In-House Counsel ASD 3:20 English
IHC Employer's Notification of Termination of In-House Counsel ASD 3:21 English
Initial Guardian Ad Litem Report in Proceeding Under the Nebraska Probate Code Ch6Art14App11 English
Instructions for Divorce Hearing - No Children DC 6:4 English
Instructions for Divorce Hearing - No Children - Service by Publication DC 6:6A English
Instructions for Divorce Hearing - With Children - Service by Publication DC 6:6B English
Instructions for In Forma Pauperis (Divorce) DC 6:7 English
Instructions for Minor Child(ren) Name Change Hearing DC 6:11.6 English
Instructions for Your Divorce Hearing - With Children (English) DC 6:5 English
Instructions for Your Enforcement Hearing (Alimony/Property Settlement) DC 6:5.44 English
Instructions for Your Enforcement Hearing (Child Support - Contempt) - Instructions DC 6:5.23 English
Instructions for Your Enforcement Hearing (Contempt Hearing - Visitation) DC 6:5.30 English
Instructions for your hearing on Modification of Child Support DC 6:14.13 English
Instructions for Your Hearing on the Complaint for Paternity, Custody, Parenting Time, and Child Support. DC 6:8.11 English
Instructions for Your Modification of Custody or Parenting Plan Hearing (Script) DC 6:15.9 English
Instructions for Your Name Change Hearing DC 6:9a English
Instructions for Your Record Sealing Hearing JC 15:5 English
Instructions to Request a Nebraska Attorney Discipline History ASD 3:23 English
Interested Persons Update CC 16:2.67 English Instructions
Interpreter Complaint Form AD 2:08 English
Interpreter Oral Exam Registration (2024) with Authorization to Conduct Criminal Background Check Form AD 2:10 English
Interpreter Orientation Registration Form (2024) AD 2:09 English
Interpreter Skill Building Registration (2024) AD 2:36 English
Interpreter Written Exam Registration (2024) with Authorization to Conduct Criminal Background Check Form AD 2:11 English
Intranet/News Article Submission Form AD 2:15 English
Intrastate Transfer, Acceptance CC 16:2.124 English
Intrastate Transfer, Acknowledging Receipt of Transferred Case and Certificate of Mailing CC 16:2.127 English
Intrastate Transfer, Denial and Certificate of Mailing CC 16:2.125 English
Intrastate Transfer, Motion CC 16:3.23 English
Intrastate Transfer, Order and Certificate of Mailing CC 16:2.126 English
Intrastate Transfer, Order for Provisional Transfer CC 16:2.123 English
Inventory, Affidavit of Due Diligence and Certificate of Mailing CC 16:2.9 English Instructions
Invoice for File Copies or Certified Copies CC 3:30 English
Judicial Financial Interest Statement (Effective January 1, 2023) PDF Version Ch5Art3AppB_PDF English Instructions
Judicial Financial Interest Statement (Effective January 3, 2023) ch5art3appb English Instructions
Judicial Financial Interest Statement Instructions (Effective January 1, 2023) Ch5Art3AppC English
Jury Commissioner Key Number Certificate DC 8:7 English
Jury Commissioner Request to Election Commissioner DC 8:5 English
Jury Trial Request CC 6:13 English
Law-Related Employment NSBC 2:09 English
Legal Notice for Publication DC 6:9.2 English Instructions
Legal Notice for Publication - Name Change Minor Child DC 6:11.2 English Instructions
Memo to Guardians and Conservators Regarding Amended Neb. Ct. R. §6-1433 CC 16:2.66 English
Military Status Affidavit (Used with attorney license renewal) ASD 3:10 English
Modification of Child Support Information Worksheet DC 6:14.3 English
Motion (Generic) CC 3:27 English
Motion and Affidavit for Default Judgment CC 3:19 English
Motion and Affidavit for the Issuance of an Order in Aid of Execution (Debtor's Exam) CC 3:26 English
Motion for 30-day Extension of Brief - Advanced Cases ch2art1app5 English
Motion for 30-day Extension of Brief - Non Advanced Cases ch2art1app1 English
Motion for Bridge Order and Notice of Hearing JC 14:13 English
Motion for Continuance and Notice of Hearing DC 1:2 English Instructions
Motion for Copy of Exhibit(s) by an Incarcerated Defendant CC 9:5 English
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission and Oath ch3art1appb English
Motion for Service by Publication DC 6:6.1 English Instructions
Motion for Service by Publication CC 6:6.1 English
Motion for the Disposition of Seized Property CC 6:16 English
Motion to Dismiss ch2art1app3 English
Motion to Dismiss DC 4:7 English Instructions
Motion to Have No Authority Over the Estate of the Ward CC 16:3.21 English
Motion to Move Ward/Minor Ward/Protected Person out of the State of Nebraska CC 16:2.61 English Instructions
Motion to Seal an Adult Criminal Record CC 6:12 English Instructions
Motion to Seal Documents Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. § 2-210(C) Ch2Art2App2 English
Motion to Seal Records (Juvenile) JC 15:1 English Instructions
Motion to Seal Records due to Acquittal or Dismissal CC 6:15.1 English
Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment and Application for New Trial CC 4:9 English
Name Change, Order Waiving Publication of Petition to File for Name Change DC 6:9.6 English
Name Change, Petitioner's Showing and Request for Waiver of Publication DC 6:9.5 English
Navigating the Forms Master List Navigating the Forms Master List English
Nebraska Adoption Medical History English
Nebraska Juror Qualification Form ch6art10appa English
Nebraska State Bar Commission AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE NSBC 1:11 English
Nebraska State Bar Commission CRIMINAL CASE AMENDMENT FORM 5 NSBC 1:07 English
Nebraska State Bar Commission EMPLOYMENT AMENDMENT FORM NSBC 1:06 English
Nebraska State Bar Commission GENERAL AMENDMENT FORM NSBC 1:05 English
Nebraska State Bar Commission NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT FORM NSBC 1:04 English
Nebraska State Bar Commission RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AMENDMENT FORM NSBC 1:03 English